Marge Simpson, the next Playboy girl? Magazine editors amaze me too…

Marge Playboy girl

This is all over the news lately.  Or at least, on the Interweb.  Here is the part that made me laugh out loud:

New CEO Scott Flanders says the idea is to attract readers in their 20s to a magazine where the average reader’s age is 35…

So, let me get this straight: the 20-something male would 1) prefer to see a cartoon character naked 2) they would want to see a middle-aged cartoon character naked 3) they have otherwise NO options to see a cartoon character naked.


I googled by typing in “Manga girls” and I was inundated with tons of images I don’t want my boys to see.  Care to imagine if I had used more specific key words?

manga girl

And say what you may, Jessica Rabbit is still the sexist female character, EVA.  (Where’s Kanye West when you need him?!)

4 thoughts on “Marge Simpson, the next Playboy girl? Magazine editors amaze me too…

  1. Absence Alternatives Post author

    @Mama Zen
    OMG. I didn’t even catch that! You are so good! Flanders. LOL. What an irony. Oh today is a great irony day. LOVE THAT!

  2. Jane

    Oh my gosh this is too funny! Seriously? A naked cartoon character is what 20-somethings want? I’m sorry, a naked middle AGED cartoon character as you pointed out! I’m so curious as to what the sales numbers are for this issue compared to others. SO curious!
    .-= Jane´s last blog ..Mom Gettin’ Dirty With…..HUH?!?!? =-.

    1. Absence Alternatives Post author

      Indeed. I can’t wait to see the numbers too. I hope all these news outlets will follow up on that. I do have a friend who went to work for them who is (was?) like a feminist or something. The irony was too huge for her I suspect, so I never pointed it out to her… But according to her, the company is run by a woman, and many of the sr. execs. are also women. Sounds like she has a more female-friendly work environment than I do. So I can’t really fault her or anything…


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