30 thoughts on “Rule No.1: Always log off your account when you step away

  1. Velva

    My son has my password to my fb and can easily log-into my account. The problem with kids is that they are a lot more technically savvy than their parents when they are being nosy about your information. However, they can be complete dumb a**es when it comes to their own accounts. I can easily, (and do by the way) read my son’s gmail, text messages, etc. I don’t have to ask so that I can monitor, he forgets and leaves it up on a regular basis.
    .-= Velva´s last blog…Pan- Seared Scallops with Carrot-Ginger Sauce =-.

  2. Jen

    I’ve been lucky, my kid unfriended me (on FB, not in real life, he still likes me) a year ago. Every parental control I have set he has hacked into since he was 12. If I want to have him continue fixing my computer hardware and software I just let him be. He could do so much damage if he wanted to.
    .-= Jen´s last blog…How Did We Survive? =-.

  3. Diane Laney Fitzpatrick

    To the person above who said something about Bristol Palin: Have you seen her commercials? She basically says that having a baby before you’re married is horrible and other girls shouldn’t make the same mistake she did. I wonder what her baby’s going to think of that when he grows up and watches Mommy in her old job.
    .-= Diane Laney Fitzpatrick´s last blog…Not-So-Gently Down the Stream =-.

  4. Justine

    That’s some mad skillz – your photoshopping that is. 🙂

    I like that he took the time & opportunity to mess with his mama since most kids think their parents are too lame to even deserve their time of day. Um – bright side, no?

  5. Wicked Shawn

    This reminds me of the morning I was fixing breakfast and I had left my FB open. After all the dust had settled that morning, I sit back down and see that one of the darlings had typed, “feel’s like a b this morning…” Of course, I was not amused. Then I see that I have 18 responses, such as, “feels like c d today”, or “I always think of you as a B, Shawn” Yeah, hell reigned over this house that evening! Little asshats from my own loins.
    .-= Wicked Shawn´s last blog…The Art Of Porn =-.


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