Tag Archives: NPH Fuckyeah

Fuck Yeah Neil Patrick Harris

Tony Awards.

As a quote unquote Theatre Person (Notice how I spell Theatre the “wrong” way? Yeah, that’s the sign I AM a theatre person) who nevertheless has been living so far away from the epicenter of theatrical creativity aka NYC, I always find Tony Awards a bitter sweet event. Wishing does not bring about peace. Let me just put it this way. Still, once in a year, I bask in the glory, vicariously through television broadcast and now more than ever YouTube, of the community of thespians.

I will shut up now so you could watch the opening performance at the Tony Awards last night. NPH. “Broadway: It’s not just for gays anymore!” FUCK YEAH AWESOME!




Tru dat! And while we are at it, shouldn’t somebody go and sign him up to host the next Oscar now too?!  Oh, what am I saying? Just sign him up for everything already!


p.s. I have to thank Brahm for posting this video first!