Wonder Woman

Warning: this post is probably just going to be me rambling on due to severe lack of sleep, even according to my standard… 

These past two weeks have been the annual performance period at my company, the time when we have to write our own self ASSessments and to provide peer feedbacks for colleagues who have requested feedbacks from you. Last year I received 12 requests and I did not turn anybody down. I still shudder when I think of the day 12 months ago when i seriously considered jumping out the window to avoid the tasks at hand. I absolutely hate doing this because I find it extremely difficult to “brag about myself”. Sorry for pulling the “Chinese” card, but it’s true: We were brought up to never toot your own horn for when you do that, that’s a sure proof that there is no substance inside. If you are great, people will notice on their own.

Now, how’s that working for you so far?

In the end, I did survive the annual performance review again. And at Midnight on Saturday, September 29, I have been up since  7 am on Thursday with a 3-hour sleep between 4 am to 7 am Friday morning. AND, I did not have any caffeine all day Friday. I figured I have been running on pure adrenaline since I opened my eyes at 7 am. When I marveled at this fact, my teenage boy said, “How are you not dead?”

Mind you, when we had that exchange, I was vacuuming the house after I did the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen.

Sometimes, you just have to stop for a moment and wonder at yourself.

Wow. I am really awesome. I kick ass. I rock.

It’s ok. Nobody else is going to do it for you. And many of these incredible feats you have pulled off with great aplomb are not appropriate answers for questions such as “What’s your claim to fame?” “What is your proudest accomplishment?”

I once cleaned up my son’s explosive diaper inside the airplane lavatory and he slept through the whole thing. And I did not cry.

I once caught the projectile vomit coming out of my son’s mouth just in time and managed to keep most of the vomit inside my blouse so the carpet was saved. And I did not cry.

When I was pregnant, I had a horrible case of morning sickness. I was in a play then. So during intermission I would rush to the backstage to throw up and get back onto the stage. And I did not throw up on stage.

For the first three months of my son’s life, he basically lived on me, like a kangaroo baby. I managed to do everything with one hand, including making pancakes from scratch. And I did not become homicidal.

I once flew with my two children by myself. When I went through the airport, I had the baby in my hip carrier, a roller board in my hand, my 5 year old’s hand in my other hand, while carrying a stroller on my shoulder and a diaper bag on my other shoulder. AND the baby slept through the security check and the boarding.


Although I’d like to see those people who ask those stupid questions try taking on any of the above.

I know you all have done something amazing like these, and I would like to ask that you go into the bathroom right now, look in the mirror, and give yourself a self-assessment of




5 thoughts on “Wonder Woman

  1. Justine

    I loved your stories here, and like Colleen, I want to give you high fives for each one. But for the sake of being different, how about fist bumps?

    I never doubted your Wonder Woman capabilities. And yes, I have that same upbringing too, although the credit goes to my Indian mom. Same continent – same difference.

    While I understand the merit of having others doing the bragging for us, sometimes I think we need to recognize our own capabilities just so we can find the strength to continue on whatever journey or task we chose. Like motherhood, as a great example.

    Once, on my blog, I sort of did something similar as you here. I said hey, sometimes it’s okay to acknowledge that we kick(ed) ass at something so I went on with my own list of the things I did as a mom that made me proud and invited my readers to do the same. I mostly heard crickets. Like how unseemly that we should ever celebrate our own little victories.

    So, kudos to you, for kicking ass and for letting us know about it. Because that just makes me adore you that much more 🙂
    Justine recently posted…Change is goodMy Profile

    1. Absence Alternatives Post author

      Dearest Justin, thank you so much for taking time out to write me this supportive and encouraging note. We are all Wonder Woman, and I think it is time we own up to how secretly awesome we are! xo

  2. colleen

    high fives all around!!! sometimes I like to wear a play crown while I do stuff and every time I see my reflection I think of how awesome I am 😉
    its the little things that keep it going, ya know?

  3. naptimewriting

    LOVE it. I would have ended every one of the above sentences, “and I did not cry.” Or throw up on *him.*

    The “exceeds expectations” plus wonder woman is awesomesauce, btw. I will now see her every time I read that phrase. On my own performance reviews,which are colored in crayon. Usually on someone else’s white couch.


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