Mother’s Day. Schmother’s Day.

I am so glad Mother’s Day is finally coming to an end. In less than 30 minutes.

I was not going to write anything about Mother’s Day today. Apparently I have written several posts on how and why I hate Mother’s Day ever since I started blogging. The act of “Oh I don’t really care if you guys do anything for me on Mother’s Day” is painfully obvious to me yet maddeningly unrecognized by the others in this house.  The angst is palpable.

The good thing is: The Husband happened to be out of the country for a big meeting attended by hundreds of engineers (yes most of them men) every Mother’s Day for several years now. This actually helped me relax. If he is not here, well, he cannot be expected to bring me breakfast in bed, can he?

To be fair, he did surprise me with a package from FTD this year:


I was not expecting anything, and fortunately I recognized the FTD logo on the box and decided to open it right away.

I remember the last time I received a proper bouquet was in 1995 when we graduated and moved into an apartment together. Giddy with excitement at the sight of these flowers sitting on the kitchen table, I was content with half an hour of this this morning and considered today a success…



Really, life is what you make of it. Make no big deal out of today, then today is not a big deal.

I cooked. I cleaned. I did the dishes. I picked up the house. I did the laundry. I folded and put away clothes.

Just like any other day.

It worked out better this way really since I’ve been wondering “What’s the point if I have to clean on the Monday AFTER Mother’s Day?


Except that I am happy for The Husband that the following conversation did not happen today. Well, because he is not here so he could not have on Mother’s Day.


“Look at my arms! They are not that flabby, right?” I pinched my right forearm with my left hand and show it to The Husband. I continued, “I wonder why my arms always look so HUGE in pictures! They are actually kind of firm when I do this.” I then pinched my forearm some more.

“Maybe it is like the Kobe beef,” he said, after declining my invitation to pinch my forearm and see for himself.


Pause. “Made with muscles and fat.”

5 seconds after I hit his face with a pillow…

“How about you treat me like Kobe Beef [sic]…”


“Feed me beer and give me a massage!”

I did neither. It was not Father’s Day.


p.s. I do sincerely wish all the mothers, grandmothers, foster mothers, guardian angels out there a Happy Mother’s Day. I hope your day was full of relaxation and joy. More than that, I wish you a Monday After with NO increase in workload.


18 thoughts on “Mother’s Day. Schmother’s Day.

  1. Ameena

    Finally someone who gets it…Mother’s Day totally sucks. I dread it and when it arrives I can’t wait for it to be Monday. I really wanted to blog about this but my MIL and my mom read my blog and it didn’t seem to be the smartest move on my part.

    In any case, your flowers are beautiful!
    Ameena recently posted…wife dishwasherMy Profile

  2. Beka

    I also agree with Renee. Your flowers and computer area are beautiful! As are your arms, I am sure. That conversation made me laugh. Somehow, though I love my husband, there is always a bit less stress when he is away for work for a little bit. He did well this year, though. Hurray!
    Beka recently posted…Working Through Mother’s DayMy Profile

  3. writerwoman61

    Jim cooked supper on Mother’s Day. Today is Wednesday…the pieces of the food processor have yet to be loaded into the dishwasher, and the salad spinner is still out on the counter (I caved and put the brown lettuce pieces into the compost, and the lettuce bag into the recycling)…sigh…

    writerwoman61 recently posted…Nom- Nom…Thank You- Mom!My Profile

  4. van025

    Sympathize with you because your husband was not beside you in Mother’s day.But you still had an unforgetable Mother’s day. I like the conversation between you and your husband.

  5. Jack@TheJackB

    Mother’s Day is a pain in my ass. While I don’t dismiss the need to celebrate mothers I do dislike the need to try and find a way to bring 1,982 families together for a celebration because it makes my head ache trying to coordinate schedules.

    Than once we are together the screaming kids make my head pound followed by a descent into madness called listening to certain extended family members talk about politics.
    Jack@TheJackB recently posted…Why Do I BlogMy Profile

  6. The Sweetest

    I cleaned and did laundry on mother’s day, also. and this actually made me happy. because there is nothing that will sour my mood like a dirty, messy house. as for the kobe beef, the husband deserved a good pillow-whacking. i swear, mine would have said the same thing.
    The Sweetest recently posted…Reflections On TimeMy Profile

  7. Justine

    Because of a move, work stress and an upcoming 4th family member, we had a very busy, difficult few weeks leading up to Mother’s Day so we decided to use that time to recharge and unwind for the whole family. A LOT of calories were involved. I know I will regret it soon but I consumed each bite of cupcake and dim sum greedily – while I still have the excuse of “eating for two” 🙂

    Post-Mother’s day consists of battling tech issues (for work) this lovely Monday morning. Welcome back to the real world, it would seem. Sigh. At least it was fun while it lasted.
    Justine recently posted…No- no- I’m not ready!My Profile

  8. Nicole Welkener

    I DEFINITELY did nothing but clean excessively and had all the laundry complete by 11 am. It felt like an accomplishment and in no way impeded on my Mother’s Day. It was nice because it was done without the “momomomomomomomomomom!!!!” that is usually there on the weekends I try to accomplish as much as I did yesterday. The boy was with my mom. GREAT mother’s day!

    p.s. LOVE the new Macbook! And gorgeous flowers!
    Nicole Welkener recently posted…Music Monday- Ani DifrancoMy Profile

  9. BigLittleWolf

    Funny thing how most holidays bring an increase in workload for the “woman” of the house… even those holidays intended to celebrate her! 😉

    That said – any signs of appreciation are always welcome, aren’t they?

    My teenager and I cooked together last night – something new – and made a memory. We botched parts of it (then fixed them), and laughed a lot. THAT made it a great day. And my other son Skyped from college, in the middle of studying for exams. Equally great.

    No flowers required. And it was good stuff.
    BigLittleWolf recently posted…Moms Gone WildMy Profile

  10. MacDougal Street Baby

    I need a cup and saucer like that. And a counter top like that. And a window like that. And a vase with gorgeous roses staring back at me like that. Most importantly, I need a shirt printed up that reads, “Mother’s Day. Schmother’s Day.”
    MacDougal Street Baby recently posted…This Day is YoursMy Profile


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