A dear friend of mine passed this comment on Social Networking along to me from none other than the always brilliant Non Sequitur cartoon. She received it from her doting partner whose eyes could not have rolled any further when my friend and I were comparing our notes on using Twitter…
I found myself more in love with humanity on the Internet when the very human, physical part of it is stripped. Without the physical indicator to dictate who we are from the outside, thus evading the tyranny of visual cues and first impressions and the temptations of ass-u-me-ptions, the Internet just seems to be a better equalizer.
As a new mom, and one with a full-time-outside-the-home job, I actually have come to depend on some of this social networking stuff (Facebook, blogs) to connect with Other Grownups. I work with kids all day, and have my baby at night, so lengthy (or, even short) phone calls are a thing of the past right now.
Wired magazine recently had a piece talking about how teenagers today actually do more “writing” than generations before them, because they do so much written communication through texting, Facebook, Twitter, etc. Of course, it didn’t mention whether or not these kids had actual writing skills, or whether they were counting “kthxbai” as literacy…
.-= Falling´s last blog…It’s Been a Long Day =-.
Yuko, well said. Blogging is at least easier to fathom than twittering… I get the question every day: Why twitter? Only time/history will tell.
Melanie, thanks for visiting and commenting! Well put. LOL. It’s like the Jon Stewart attitude. 😉
Merrilymarylee, I feel guilty also. I sometimes question myself and wonder whether this says about some sort of emotional lack in my life. Then I have to stop going down that road…
Nancy, I give you: http://instantrimshot.com/
I love it! Great cartoon, although I would have responded “Yeah but I don’t have to get out of my pj’s to socialize” 🙂
I spend waaaaaay too much time on internet and thus on my butt and that’s without Facebook or Twitter. I don’t dare go there! Must say though, that I’m not completely comfortable with this. I love maintaining contact (more than the once-a-year Christmas card) with friends in the places we’ve lived previously, but I find I don’t spend as much effort keeping up with those who don’t e-mail. I’m embarrassed to think how long it’s been since I’ve written a letter.
.-= Merrilymarylee´s last blog…Watching Like a Hawk =-.
That is tooooooo hilarious.
I actually like social networking- my blog is sort of more of the social commentary type of blog, so interacting with the stupidity of others is usually great for blog material. 😉
.-= Melanie´s last blog…Blog Rating =-.
So many already mentioned this but I had to let you know I too share the same sentiment. I know it’s not a waste of time. Those of us who spend time getting to know what others around the world have in mind gain so much.
.-= Yuko(emma_zero)´s last blog…7. Broken Chain of Sacrifice =-.
I am so violently anti-Facebook, I can’t even express it in words. Everyone I know keeps trying to convince me to join, and all I can say is NEVER!!!
(Also, you are always welcome in my little patch of electronic grass — it was just a moment I was having of feeling rather _aware_ of comments and emails and…well, inner-conflict, blah blah blah. You know how it is.)
Oh I am so glad you stopped by!! What happens with these social networking sites: short messages, constant update, instant gratification, is that people become lazy writers, I suspect. (I won’t know since I was born lazy…) I will be selfish and be happy that you are toiling away on writing your essays which I admire rather than coming up with witty one-liners on FB or Twitter. And no worries, I totally understood. I stopped leaving comments because if I keep on telling you how much I like your writing, it would seem as if I either wanted money or sex from you…
HAHA!! How laugh-out-loud funny!!!
I personally have a Love/Hate relationship with social networking… I hate it, but I’m addicted and check all my accounts multiple times a day. I need to detox…
.-= Jen @ NathanRising´s last blog…Sleep Deprivation and Soul Death =-.
Yup. Like you, I sort have a problem with my Internet addiction, and it has nothing to do with porn, which makes it even more pathetic…
Jennifer (continued): perhaps you need to write a post to answer my question! 😉
Will do:)
.-= Jennifer Lynn´s last blog…Where’s My Niche? In Fat Ass Cells, Random Life, and a little Bitchin’??? =-.
Great! I didn’t mean to dole out homework assignment to you, you know, right? Am just really curious and interested to know, that is, if you feel like writing about it, at all.
Mrs. B: I hope this completely makes up for me not liking the Sparkling kind of vampires…
Velva, social networking = virtual salivating over presentations of well-made food
Jennifer, it is really neat that you are a biologist, so here we get to learn your perspective. What do you think of all the talks about AI then? Are they considered “organisms”? Interactions between AIs: is that social in this sense? I need to show you this too:
(I found it through http://yukomurray.wordpress.com/2009/10/18/moving-art/ )
Completely digital social networking…..is it really “social”? Hmmm. Not sure.
“It always refers to the interaction of organisms with other organisms and to their collective co-existence, irrespective of whether they are aware of it or not, and irrespective of whether the interaction is voluntary or involuntary.”—Wiki
.-= Jennifer Lynn´s last blog…Wait Until No One Is Looking & Do What I Want =-.
Well said! As always, love it.
.-= Velva´s last blog…Chicken Smothered in Gravy =-.
That is absolutely priceless!! I love it!
.-= mrsblogalot´s last blog…Obsession thy name is Edward!!! =-.
Oh boy…That cartoon is ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
.-= TheKitchenWitch´s last blog…Miss You Cookies =-.
I will not believe that you are a closeted Misanthrope even if you beat me with your dan dan noodles and torture me with your kitchen torch! 😉 It’s your own fault: your post “Monster” forever seared your position inside my heart. Sorry. Too bad.