Strangers are just friends waiting to happen. — Rod McKuen

I almost missed the postscript. And when I first read it, I was upset that he asked for $100 cash! "You little...!" I thought. I burst out laughing when I saw the instruction to Santa. Despite everything, I did not ruin this child. I think.
Dear Friends,
Yes, you dread this moment of sappiness and it has come. No, seriously, I am so blessed to be surrounded by people who show me what the true human spirit of giving and caring is, not just around Christmas, but on a daily basis.
In the past year, I have been fortunate enough to get to know many of you better through words and some, through images (although to my disappointment, nothing risqué. We need to work on that, my friends!), from all over the world. I have been even more fortunate to see a few of you materialize in the real 3D world. Do you know how awesome that is? It means that I would have more than one Cora waiting next to my Ducati right outside of Flynn’s Arcade when I came out of The Grid if I were Sam Flynn.
I am so grateful for the community I have found and become part of that my heart aches every time I think about it. I find it easier for me to breathe and to be myself every day because of this place right here.
I want to wish those who celebrate it a Merry Christmas and those who don’t, a wonderful long weekend and/or vacation. And for my Jewish friends, enjoy the movies and the Chinese! And you know, by Chinese I mean the food, not ME.
And to all, unless you are a Jehovahs Witness, a HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Next year I’m going to ask for a giant ball of mistletoe and a one-way ticket to Alaska where the me out-number me at least two to one! You know, after Sarah Palin mysteriously vanishes.
Dream big, right?!
Love you, Honey.
SisterMerryHellish recently posted…Good One- Morgan Freeman – Part 1
I was all full of misty-eyed holiday wishes, and then I read, “And you know, by Chinese I mean the food, not ME.”
And I snorted root beer through my nose.
Merry Christmas and tingling nostrils to you!
Falling recently posted…Merry Merry Merry
I love sappy! (And great bunch of cards.) Hope you’re enjoying some downtime!
BigLittleWolf recently posted…Kelsey and Camille Why does their divorce offend me
I heart you!!! Have a wonderful holiday…and Happy New Year to you and yours!
Jane recently posted…The New Joe Cool
Happy Merry to you, beautiful. I hope you are boob deep in Dufmanno right now.
Elly Lou recently posted…We Now Return You…
My mom and I saw “Black Swan” and ate at Hunan on Christmas Day. (It’s not a stereotype when it’s true.)
But I enjoy your Chinese, too.
Such positive and inspiring pictures.
Yes, this online community can be so rewarding for the soul if we let it
Arts Web Show recently posted…Funny review- Arts web show episode 6
on Behalf of Sir Sidney Poitier, I would like to wish you a Merry Christmas, and a prosperous and Happy New Year.
Tom G. recently posted…Here we go a wassailing…
I hope you had a warm and satisfying Christmas and I do wish you the very best for the new year.
Oh, I’ll take you sappy, un-sappy — in fact just as you are at anytime. No I am off on my risque’ picture search.
Warmest wishes,
Merry Christmas you sexay thang….sappy is sexy on you! XOXO!
A Vapid Blonde recently posted…I Wonder What Santa Wanted For Christmas…
Hope you had a Merry Christmas!! Oh, and the Santa note? TOO CUTE! So cute, in fact, that I could just crumple it up and eat it. (Does that make me sound wierd?) HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
Jen @ NathanRising recently posted…It’s the hap-happiest time of the year
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and all that jazz! And Happy New Year, blog friend!
Diane Laney Fitzpatrick recently posted…Wake Up! Its Christmas!
I love the sappy side of you. You are just the whole package.
Happy New Year!
Unknown Mami recently posted…Sundays In My City
Thanks! I am glad you like this package. 🙂
Lovely pictures – they show a little slice of your life.
I made a gingerbread house with my nephew. My sister was supervising so there was no candy tryst. But next year will be different! LOL
Merry Christmas, Happy Boxing Day, and may your New Year be full of all the best life has to offer!
Kernut the Blond recently posted…A Pigeon Named Spot
Thank you for the wonderful wishes. The same to you m’lady!
Merry Boxing Day, beautiful!
I got your lovely little package, by the way. I assume there is some kind of story behind the vodka lip stuff…?
(Oh, and you don’t have to send things via my office, you know — that was just the return address you ended up with by default because I was filching postage from my USPS work account. Shhh…don’t tell anyone!)
Mistletoe kisses to you, doll…
I had to google Boxing Day, honestly. LOL. Nice to know that TOMORROW is the official Boxing Day because 12/26 fell on a Sunday this year. So I am not too late in wishing you Happy Boxing Day. 😉
The lip gloss is just something silly because it says YES. 🙂
It warms my heart he wants a real watch. Wait til he’s old enough for a cell phone and that’s his timepiece! Totally suitable for framing! Happy New Year!
Happy New Year and Happy New Decade to you too!
You get to watch all DC residents scream & run around in a blind panic when three flurries drop from the sky!
I’m still coming to find you after the snow stops provided you are still in the area!
LOL. So true about the false alarm! Keeping my fingers crossed that I get to visit Duffmano Island soon. 😉
p.s. Omg. That sounded dirty, didn’t it? LOL
Sending you a bit cyberhug, Lin! I hope you and your family are having an amazing day!
writerwoman61 recently posted…Joys of the Season…
Thank you! I am doing it in the wide open now LOL! The same to you too!
Happy whatever to everyone. We are off to the movies today. Will keep an eye out for any Jehovah’s.
lifeintheboomerlane recently posted…My Daughter’s Christmas in London
I wish we had gone and done something today. There is supposed to be 5 inches of snow tomorrow in the DC area… So I will be “trapped” for one more day.
Sappy looks good one you, at least once a year. Also, Jehovah’s all go to Mexico, or Disneyland, or the movies for the holidays.
linlah recently posted…my final message of the year
Nice! I always wonder what is “IN” for them. LOL
Aw. Thanks SubWOW. And to you, also. My kids also asked for money. Except the little one. He asked for a sled and that’s why I like him best. Kidding.
chickensconsigliere recently posted…Budweiser and Chicken Salute You Holiday Shopping Escape Artist Guy
Don’t be mad at your kids! Maybe they are simply channeling Chinese: we give money. Easier this way. We are a practical people. LOL. 😉
Love your sense of humor. Merry Christmas to you and your wonderful family.
TechnoBabe recently posted…A Little Christmas Fun
Thank you!
i adore sappy you! the unicorn looks marvelous on your tree. of course your ability to compose a photo doesn’t hurt in the least.
merry christmas, beautiful! i love you.
pattypunker recently posted…freelance whales
Unicorn power UNITE! 🙂
Love you too.
Merry Christmas to you! Looking forward to the New Year with more from you!
Lol, the letter to Santa — your kids are awesome!
Andrea recently posted…Ring My Bell
Dearest, have a wonderful Christmas! Stay cozy and warm!
Merry Christmas, happy New Year, and happy holidays for you and yours!
Lies recently posted…1 am smörgåsbord
Happy Holidays to you and your loved ones too! Safe travel!