Tag Archives: OMG! I am so easily amused!

When will this thing end?! NaBloPoMo #6: In which I talk about google doodle

This is me cheating again. It’s only the 6th day of NaBloPoMo, and I am already resorting to PHOTOs. Not even photos I took, but photos that I found on the Interweb!  Yeah, like y’all don’t have google at home?…  Since I have never cheated in my entire academic career, well, not technically anyway, I consider this payback time.

Google published the google doodle to commemorate the 20th anniversary of Nick Park’s Wallace and Gromit, but only on the google UK page.  THIS is the BEST google doodle I have seen so far.



I am also partial to this one featuring my favorite Blue character, favorite monster, favorite Sesame Street puppet, and favorite “Masterpiece Theatre” host…

GoogleDoodleCookieMonsterHey! Maybe this will be my first post that will offend NOBODY? Except the cookies of course…

p.s. I can’t keep my mouth shut: the one with Big Bird and the other one with Bert and Ernie? Those are just lame… Lazy works you might say…

Twinkies got a bad rep ’cause we find the name irresistible

In the American Pop culture conscious, there is this curious obsession with Twinkies.  One of the new exhibits at the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago is about Twinkies.  Putting our obsession with this oddity on view.


A Twinkie was born

For once, let’s scientifically study the myth that Twinkies will never die.  Observe and report.  (I will visit MSI later again to check on the Twinkie that is on view there).

Of course, Twinkies are not the only food that are believed to be evil-incarnate.  Why such revilement?

My theory is that half of that ill-begotten fame came from the name, Twinkie.  What’s in a name? If it were called “Hostess Cream-filled Yellow Cake”, or, let’s say, Snow Puff, it would not have become such a legend, warts and all. Kudos to the marketing team that came up with this name that is now a major part of American pop culture.

Upon further investigation, I learned that the name Twinkie came from a chance encounter with a billboard:

In 1933, James Dewar, a baker at Continental Baking Company in Indiana, was inspired and came up with this name when driving by a billboard advertising shoes from the “Twinkle Toe Shoe Company”.

This is serendipity!  In our collective consciousness for food, Twinkies share a significant space with the shoe in Charlie Chaplin’s The Gold Rush…  Ok. Maybe it is proven once again that I am easily amused. TOO easily.


Ode to Twinkies

‘Tis but thy name that makes thou irresistible;

Thou art thyself, though not a Twinkie.

What’s Twinkie? it is nor Monoglycerides nor diglycerides

Nor Polysorbate 60, nor Hydrogenated shortening, nor any other part

Belonging to proper CAKE. O, be some other name!

What’s in a name? that which we call a Twinkie

By any other name would induce as much grimace??

So Twinkie would, were it not Twinkie call’d,

Retain that dear longevity which it owes

Without that title. Twinkie, doff thy name,

And for that name which is no part of thee

Take all the cream.

Tis almost Halloween. Do you know where your costume is? Let Zoltar inspire you…

Remember Zoltar? From the movie Big?  Well, here is to help you remember…

How many of us have thought about seeking the exact Zoltar out, not to make a wish, but just to say, “I have seen it. THE Zoltar in the movie with Tom Hanks!” Well, this post is not about that Zoltar.  But it is cooler.  Meet Zoltar, in real life…

Zoltar w audience

This dude built a Zoltar on Segway. Ingenious, isn’t it? He won the first place at this year’s Coney Island Mermaid Parade.

This is my favorite picture of all:

Zoltar and Storm T

Those who do the laundry should have immunity. Just sayin…

So the other day husband left one of his baseball caps on the floor of the laundry room, looking quite dirty.  As in, it’s no longer beige but brown-ish all over.

So what does it mean when someone just leaves clothing on the floor of the laundry room?  I’d say it means they are asking you nicely to wash it for them.  Wouldn’t you agree?

Since I am a very nice person, so I did.

Turns out this hat is husband’s favorite.  Don’t ask me why.  This was the first time I heard it too.  A cap from a baseball team we don’t really know about.  A cap husband had purchased for our oldest at a company outing and later inherited because our oldest was too cool to wear it.


It’s a mystery to me, really.  Sort of like the mystery of how a child selects his/her lovey.  (THAT. Is yet another topic we should all blog about.  Raise your hand if you have experienced the agony of a lost lovey.  Or worst, the death of a beloved lovey…)

It also turned out that the back closure of the hat had split in half and husband had glued it together with super glue.  (Have to say I am impressed by that feat and his dedication!)  So the hat came out of the wash, well, broken again.

“You broke my hat!  That’s my favorite hat!”

In order to keep peace in the household, I offered to glue it together.

“Well, you’d better do a good job: don’t get glue all over it.”

Have to say, he knows me only too well.  I can’t work with any type of glue:  I once glued my fingers shut with super glue.  I offered to use the glue gun.

“You are KIDDING, right?”

Well, I guess I’m now even if I wasn’t…

As I sat there trying to hold the pieces together as my fingers were being glued shut, again.  I thought,

Shouldn’t there be immunity for people who do the laundry in the household?  Next time, I’m going to have him sign a release form…

FINE.  I’ll fix your hat for you.

i'll fix your damn hat!

There. You. Go.

I finally saw it with my own eyes! Sound machine inside public toilet to mask the embarrassing noise…

I have heard about this along time ago: Japanese women often flush the toilet as soon as they enter the stall to mask the embarrassing noise people naturally make when in the bathroom. This act of civility turned out to waste a lot of water resource. At first, they tried sound machines with music, etc., but still did not see significant reduction in water usage. Finally someone (or some company) came up with the idea of duplicating the sound of toilet flushing. This time, success.
I have always wanted to see one and after so many years, finally saw one in the luxurious restroom at the Takashimaya Department Store in Taipei (which also has the bidet-toilet seat…)
I only took a picture of it (while fully clothed mind you!! Was just there to take the picture…)  But someone actually videotaped it here on Boing Boing. Glad to know I was not the only one fascinated by this thing.

Power of Twitter got to @RainnWilson whose followers surpassed 100,000 today…

Who says that size does not matter? When I first started following Rainn Wilson (of The Office Dwight the Beet Farmer & B&B Operator fame) on Twitter, he only had a meagerly 60,000+ followers. And that was like, last week. Here is a Tweet that he just sent out, in celebration of the 100K threshold which his Twitter account just crossed.

A job well done. Now he is in the big league, playing with the big players, the likes of Mr. and Mrs. Kutcher.

Mr. Wilson actually often has witty and wise things to part with his followers. Like a prophet to his disciples. Well, most of the popular Tweeple have taken on that quality. And I am looking forward to the day when Mr. Wilson’s followers reach 200,000 plus. Then I think he will start growing horns with all that power going to his head…