Tag Archives: photo
Don’t know why, but we think turtles are adorable
The Forbidden City: emperor’s “office chair”
Word Whammer is fun for mommy too!
Actually, my 11 year-old did this, though he denied it. I was laughing so hard when I noticed this I couldn’t properly reprimand him. Who knows how long the word has been up on the refrigerator.
SO, this is how you curse *properly* with Word Whammer…
Posted via email from The Absence of Alternatives
Sushi for you, Obama-san!
The chef did try very hard to make it non-offensive. A friendly gesture really. Look at the USA flag and the similes!
I am actually using this to test POSTEROUS
My first reaction was:
No! Not another Web 2.0 blogging/tweeting site…
How do they expect us to keep up? Very soon, only SAHMs, celebrities, VC guys, and hackers will have enough time on their hands to keep up with all these things.
Yeah yeah yeah. Spam me for blasting SAHMs. I was one for 2 years so I know. Despite all your complaining, you DO have downtime to go online… So there. Be quiet and get back to your chatrooms. (Or, I am just jealous, ok? because I have to work!)
Posterous should thank RainnWilson on Twitter. His tweet I am guessing would bring an onslaught of people to check out the site at least. Moi included.
So do I replace my blog with my own page on Posterous.com?
I am not crying as hard since I do not have attachment to Twitpic or Flikr. BUT, do they support mobile apps?
Posted via email from submom’s posterous
Oh, Michael! Now you are not going to be on the Wheaties boxes!
Unless we begin to serve the Breakfast of Champions in a BONG!
Apology is good. But it would have been better if you immediately came out and admitted it. Now go fire your publicist. He tried to cover it up for you. Yeah, right. Like any news outfit was going to sit on the big fat juicy story of “Michael Phelps caught smoking weed!”, or people were just going to ignore this. This is the payout that every tabloid has been waiting for.
This is a dumb move because you did it 3 months AFTER your stunning Olympic performance. You didn’t realize that you are now famous? You didn’t think anybody was going to follow you, watch your every move, and catch your every action on camera? Where have you been living? Under a rock? Haven’t you ever heard of Lindsay Lohan, Britany Spears or Paris Hilton?
And another thing: NO CAMERA ALLOWED in the BONG ROOM!
Since it happened at a student party, there are two scenarios: someone pretended to be your pal and sneaked in the party. Or, one of your buddies sold you out… That would be the most troubling part of this whole story, for me.
It seems that you were trying to cover yourself up by smoking the pipe while standing sideways. How about wearing a disguise next time? What kind of role model are you for all the dopeheads on college campuses?
Go Madam Secretary Hillary! You look good in pink!
Hillary Clinton was officially sworn in as U.S. Secretary of the State this afternoon. Didn’t know that clock didn’t start ticking until now for her. Isn’t this a very nice, and “human” picture of her? Why couldn’t the press show her laughing naturally like this BEFORE November 4? And in pink too?
I love Bacon. But not this much… Bacon Flavored Jelly Beans?!
Now I have seen it all… Prove yourself to be a true bacon lover, get Bacon flavored Jelly Beans for this Valentine’s Day!
Heard on NPR: Blago, No Unemployment For You!
I am sure I was not the only one that wondered upon hearing this, Are we going to see him lining up in the unemployment office now? And, is being impeached, the same as being fired? Which would disqualify a person from receiving any unemployment checks. Being impeached is like getting fired in public, with millions of people watching your boss slapping down that pink slip on your desk and the company security guards escorting you out of the door. Right?
Thank goodness that NPR delivered the good news that eased my mind: No, you will not see Blago in the unemployment office any time soon, he is not eligible. But not because he is impeached (or fired), but because “Elected officials throughout Illinois, the wages that they earn in those capacities do not count towards unemployment insurance. [They] don’t put money into the unemployment system, so they don’t qualify benefits.”
Note to self: Do not run for public offices and expect to collect unemployment checks. And if elected, try and not get fired.