Tag Archives: video

“Twouble with Twitters” Funny animation vid explaining and condemning Twitter

Funny in a, “I know there is something wrong but I just can’t stop it” kind of way. Sort like chocolate. Or, porn, for some people, I guess.

“Who are you talking to?”
“No one and every one!”

Someone posted link to this vid as a comment to the thought-provoking “It’s Official – Twitter Is A Cult” by Jeremy Toeman. In which Mr. Toeman did an analysis, comparing Twitter to the official definitions of a cult. It is humorous yet alarming at the same time.

The entire article is here:

I am trying to cut back. But Twitter to me was like weed in the beginning. Now that I have installed Tweetdeck, it has become like crack cocain. So easy to get addicted to, so much harder to rehab.

Posted via web from The Absence of Alternatives

Which countries lead in Teenage Drunkenness? Note to self: Do not move to Denmark…

This Daily Chart from the Economist solved it for me: have been agonizing over whether to move to Denmark since we love Legos so… Now I know with two impressionable boys, this is a country we should keep away from during their teenage years…

Denmark and excessive drinking? No surprise really, if you have seen this vid:

This is how you should order your fastfood! Taco Bell Drive-Thru Song

The most amazing things about this vid, in addition to the lovable singers-songwriters and the catchy lyrics and melody, are the ordering screen keeping up with the food items mentioned in the song and the drive-thru guy.

Is this truly unscripted? The drive-thru guy is not in on this? Amazing! He should definitely get a raise: THE BEST order taker at a drive-thru I have ever seen.

Posted via web from The Absence of Alternatives

The Legend of Kung Fu again: video of the curtain call performance… the actual show is 100 times better

From the curtain calls it is easy to see that why Chinese consider this show to be strictly for tourists: cheesy, gaudy, and full of Kung Fu cliches. But it is the same with all the Kung Fu (and Wuxia) movies that we love. So why not just admit that I thoroughly enjoyed this show? There is no shame in this…

The Legend of Kung Fu at Red Theatre. Turns out they are such a well-organized attraction that they have a nice website with preview clips.

FWIW, uploaded the curtain calls I videotaped as a proof that I was there…

Will “Irresponsible Homeowners” step out of the room so we can all move on?

So the Treasury Department today released the details for HARP “Home Affordable Refinance Program” & HAMP “Home Affordable Modification Program”. The title of this press release is “Relief for Responsible Homeowners”.

Drum roll please… Apparently, the plan is NOT going to be able to save EVERYBODY. (Actually, the number given today is 7 to 9 million homeowners). To emphasize, the White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs gave this simple message:

“This is not going to save every person’s home.”

OMG! We didn’t expect that!

Sarcasm aside, there have been understandably a lot of cries of “What about me?” all over the country.

In order to make folks feel better, Mr. Gibbs said, according to Kai Ryssdal on Marketplace, “people who bought homes they clearly could never afford won’t get help.”

So my question once again is: how are you going to prove and enforce that?

Being a visual person, this is how I envision the scene inside my head:

(In contrast to the Nextel commercial shown here)

Chairperson: Will the Irresponsible Homeowners please stand up and get out of the room so we can all move on?

Cricket chirping.

Chairperson: Anybody? Bueller?

Homeowners look at each other angrily.

Chairperson: Nobody?

Now, this is a commercial that Nextel will not be making. Ever.

Posted via web from The Absence of Alternatives

Hulu – the best kept secert? Best of SNL clips I saw, tonight…

Am I out of the loop? Hulu truly is a much better way to watch TV and movie clips. The quality is a lot higher, never grainy. And you never have to worry about clicking on something that turns out to be not what you expected…

Thanks to Hulu, I can follow SNL again, and just in time for a better, much improved SNL as well. I don’t remember when it started, but for a while SNL sucked big time: it was turning into Mad TV. But now, it is actually funny again. To be absolutely honest, and I cannot believe I am admitting this! I never quite got the humor of Will Farrell. I mean, Will Farrell on SNL. I loved him in quite a few movies, Old School being one of them. (A classic in my book!) And the Anchor Man is not bad at all. (Another classic in my book!) But Will Farrell on SNL I didn’t quite get. I did laugh like hell, but I didn’t know why. More Cowbell being a case in point… (Is this blasphemy?) I felt guilty laughing so hard, worried that any second someone would ask me point blank, “Ok, it is funny, but why?” Worse yet, what if the question were, “It’s not funny. Explain to me.”

The boys and I did some Youtubing on Hulu tonight. We laughed out loud at the SNL Digital Short, “People Getting Punched Right Before Eating”. I laughed till tears came out of my eyes, but somehow I didn’t feel guilty. It was funny because it was random. As my 11 year-old said, “It is so totally random. It is awesome!” I guess that is this generation’s standard for humor now…

Another great piece is the SNL commercial for Taco Town. It is funny because it has a grain of truth to it, and it sort of makes you look at reality, and go, “Yeah, that’s kind of ridiculous what Taco Bells passes for food…” Watch this, it is funny!

p.s. The boys and I thought the 2 SNL clips were so funny that later when we chatted with Dad who’s away on business via Gmail Video Chat, we showed him the clips by pointing the webcam at the monitor (because Hulu does not work in China…)

By the way, Video Chat right from inside Gmail is truly awesome, and super easy to set up. Thumbs up!

I Promise: last post about Dr. Maddow this week…

Follow Rachel Maddow on Twitter!

Oh, oh, oh, and watch this old clip (from before we all fell in love with her) showing Maddow’s commentary on John Bolton, dubbed as the Worst Diplomat, ever. Brilliantly funny!

I am changing my name to Fannie Mae!

Ok, I didn’t come up with such a clever title, of course not. The venerable Tom Paxton changed his old song “I am Changing My Name to Chrysler” to fit the current climate. Some things just never change, do they?

Watch Paxton sing this catchy song on YouTube:

Lyrics to the song, in case you feel like a sing-along at your Christmas Party where you serve pea soup and Spam this year.


Everybody and his uncle is in debt,
And the bankers and the brokers are upset.
Goldman Sachs’s, Merrill Lynch’s
Saw themselves as lead-pipe cinches,
Now they’ve landed in the biggest screw-up yet.
Lehman Brothers and Bear Stearns and all their kind
Have turned out to be the blind leading the blind.
They are clearly the nit-wittest
In survival of the fittest––
Let me modestly say what I have in mind

I am changing my name to Fannie Mae;
I am changing it to AIG.On this bail-out I am betting;
Just a piece of what they’re getting,
Would be perfectly acceptable to me.
I am changing my name to Freddie Mac;
I am leaving for that great receiving line.
I’ll be waiting when they hand out
Seven hundred million grand out––
That’s when I’ll get mine.
Since the first amphibian crawled out of the slime,
We’ve been struggling in an unrelenting climb.
We were hardly up and walking
Before money started talking
And it said that failure was the only crime.
If you really screwed things up, then you were through;
Now––surprise!––there is a different point of view.
All that crazy rooty-tootin’
And that golden parachutin’
Means that someone’s making millions––just not you! (to chorus)

©2008 Pax Music, ASCAP

(Credit to my venerable co-worker for alerting me to this song)