F I N A L L Y!
Ok. I am joking. Well, maybe 50%. I am most likely kidding on the square, as is my MO.
I have been thinking about being thankful, for all the right reasons, like everybody else around Thanksgiving time.
When I went to the grocery store across the street for the fourth time in two days yesterday afternoon, I asked the cashier lady what time they would be closing.
“7 pm. Why? You want to come back again?” She laughed.
“No. I was complaining to you about coming here so many times, but then I remembered that you are still working on Thanksgiving Day, so I am kind of embarrassed for being a whiner.”
Somehow I couldn’t get our brief exchange out of my head.
How many times have I complained to a cashier in a store about my day? To the teachers at my kids’ childcare center? To a salesclerk? To the person behind a counter, any counter? To all these other people earning minimum wages (or hopefully higher) and lousy healthcare / retirement benefits (if any) who probably at that moment just wanted to wring my neck but were able to wear a plastic smile because their jobs required them to?
Here are what I am thankful for, for the not so politically correct reasons:
I am thankful that working for me is a choice and not a necessity.
I am thankful that though I work, I do not carry the stress as a sole bread earner.
I am thankful that I am able to treat my work and responsibility as the “second” income and therefore I am not as stressed out as my husband.
I am thankful that my life is comfortable enough that I can afford to be plagued by angst, ennui and neurosis.
I am thankful that my reality affords me to worry about ideology.
I am thankful that I can afford to be generous.
I am thankful for not having to think at all in order to come up with things that I should be thankful for.
I promised that I’d be snarky in the title so I cannot possibly let you down. Here it is…
I am thankful that Sarah Palin proved yet again that she has no business commenting on political issues or any other serious issues.
“Obviously, we’ve got to stand with our North Korean allies.” — Sarah Palin on Glenn Beck’s radio show
(Yes, I’ll admit: it took me a while to try and work this gem into this post…)
I’m thankful I bumped into you, funny woman 😀 happy thanksgiving.
Nina recently posted…Hidup Itu Seperti Mimpi
I am thankful that you did, my friend from faraway…
Very well stated!
I, too, am thankful that work is not a necessity for me…sometimes I forget. It is nice to remember.
Came over from Studio 30…you are pretty awesome.
Thank you so much for visiting and commenting and for the kind words! I clicked over to your blog and I saw STEVE!!!!! I was so sad when Steve “left for college”….
I, too, am thankful for you, and all the lovely bloggers above! You guys brighten every one of my days. Love and hugs!
Kernut the Blond recently posted…TSA In Your Pants
Me too!!!
Who are the idiots that are promoting that Palin woman anyway? Has the world given its brains to someone in outer space?
TechnoBabe recently posted…Library In A Small Town
I am thankful for you! Your wit, charm, writing, heart, and the way you put yourself out here for all of us to love.
Of course, I was pretty damn pleased to see La’Palin getting her geography problems aired out…..again. Good thing she is being rigorously readied for a presidential run. Clearly, she has come a long way! 😉
Wicked Shawn recently posted…Bring on the Madness- Bring on the Noise
You have no idea! Was having a convo with BIL and he’s convinced that his parents would vote for SP IF she runs in 2012. Would be very very hard for me to overlook that.
I’m thankful my husband finally passed out on the couch so I get to read your blog! haha! Sarah Palin is moving to North Korea? Cool!
Miss Nikki recently posted…An Update With Pleasure
LOL. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if it were true?! She should totally move there.
As always, I love the post. I can relate and it’s a gentle reminder to me. Thanks.
Velva recently posted…Happy Thanksgiving
You are welcome. Thanks for letting me know. ^_^
You know the reall sad part Elly? That typo’s been bugging me all afternoon. Is it any wonder I need antidepressants?
This comment almost, ALMOST makes me feel bad for my reply to Elly.
Wicked Shawn recently posted…Bring on the Madness- Bring on the Noise
Sigh… I’m going back to bed now.
Tom G. recently posted…Happy Turkey Day
I know you did that just for me, a special Thanksgiving gift. You’ve got mad grammar skillz, pooks. Probably.
Elly Lou recently posted…A Surprise Uke!
Are you Seth or are you Amy here?
I catch myself in those moments, also. And I’ll be even child care providers and store clerks catch themselves in those moments. But catching yourself means you are thankful and empathetic, in the end, even if you are a little late to the game. It is the ones that don’t catch themselves ever that chap my ass.
chickensconsigliere recently posted…Thanksgiving Is Over and Im Thankful to the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills
Thanks. I appreciate this.
Kid on the square. Never heard it before, but I like it.
How was Mr. Monk’s birthday?
Mary Lee recently posted…Reeling Me In
Lemon-y. 😉
Someday, some glorious day, I plan to be thankful for all the same things! But I know I’ve got it good, even if I’m the only source of income. I’m so thankful I even HAVE a job!
And, like David Sedaris wrote in your book “I’m glad/thankful you’re alive!”
SisterMerryHellish recently posted…Sponge Theory- Lesson 3- Beware the Opracabra
I am glad that you’re not only alive, you are totally insane in the membrane too!!! xxoo
I’m so damn jealous that work is a choice for you! I’m a work now – blogging.
Joking aside: wouldn’t you love to be able to make a living by blogging? Sigh.
I am thankful for this here blogger! 🙂
Right back at ya sister!
I am thankful for having you to remind me of all the little things I take for grqnted.
Also, I am thankful that Sarah Palin is flying to North Korea to stand with her allies. Does this mean we can bomb them now?
I’m thankful that Tom G. occasionally makes a typo after all! Fancy writer man…
Elly Lou recently posted…A Surprise Uke!
Cash money, baby! I rather enjoyed that one too!! WOOT!!
Wicked Shawn recently posted…Bring on the Madness- Bring on the Noise
Tom. This is what you get for using a fancy iPhone. 😉
I don’t think your reasons to be thankful are not that politically wrong – I feel they are exactly the things many people take for granted (and often for all the wrong reasons).
Hmm… maybe we should introduce some European Thanksgiving also – make people think about it for once :).
Lies recently posted…This post wasn’t very labor-intensive
Great idea! 🙂 Now I wonder: Does it translate well into all European languages?