The Cure

Seeing how many of you are under the weather or are boarded up in your camp of resistance against some full-on attack by Black Death, I thought I’d introduce you to Tiger Balm.



It cures everything.

In the same fashion that Chris Rock introduced us to the omnipotent healing power of Robitussin. “‘Mo’ Tussin’! MO’ TUSSION’!”

Got a headache? Rub some Tiger Balm on your temples and behind the ears.

Got sinus pain? Rub it on the sides of your nose.

Got nasal congestion? Rub it under your nose.

Chest congestion? Rub some on your chest.

Aching muscles? Rub it all over the problem areas.

Joint pain? Rub it on the troublesome joint.

You got a tummy ache? Rub some on your tummy.

Itchy from some pesky insect bites. Rub it on!

Rub it on wherever it hurts or itches.

Warning: DO NOT GET IT ANYWHERE NEAR YOUR EYE. I learned that from actual experiences the hard away.

Another warning: Oh for goodness sake, DO NOT TOUCH YOUR JUNK AFTER YOU HAVE APPLIED TIGER BALM ON OTHER AREAS OF YOUR BODY. Washing your hands before you touch your junk is not going to help because the ointment is so powerful, it will still sting. Eh, I learned that from ahem some guy.

Disclaimer: As magical as it may be, Tiger Balm will not, however, cure Man Cold. “For God’s sake, woman, he’s a man, he’s got a man cold!”



Tiger Balm will not stop a runny nose either, unfortunately. For that, I hereby introduce you to:


A Japanese “Chindōgu” (meaning Unusual, Precious Tool)


And with this awesome hat, I hereby introduce you to “How to Rock Sexy in Your Pajamas and Bunny Slippers with a Kleenex in Your Pocket (that May or May Not Be Used)”:



Yeah! You like that? Mmm. It’s got pockets. Are you into that? Uh. What’s this? A used Kleenex!



And thank goodness for this song by The Cure (Get it? “The Cure”?) that I can tie this gaping post neatly into a bundle and put an end to it.

TGIF! You know why? Because Friday I’m in Love!

(Get it? “Friday I’m in Love”? Oh, never mind…)





p.s. You know who has taken this “tie a blog post nicely and cleverly with a song” to an art form? Every single post? A Little Bit Rock n Roll, that’s who.

44 thoughts on “The Cure

  1. Wildology

    You know, I don’t often laugh at posts anymore…maybe because everyone tries so hard to be funny (which is way better than morbid)…..but I almost peed my pants at the toilet tissue contraption!! This post was hilarious.

    Also—I was raised using Tiger Balm (it’s surprisingly expensive??!!). My mom spent her high school years in Okinawa….apparently it is a cure-all there, too.
    Wildology recently posted…Species- Single-Male-WildliferMy Profile

    1. Absence Alternatives Post author

      It’s cool that your mom did that. No wonder she is so awesome and you are too. 🙂

      I didn’t realize Tiger Balm is expensive here! Now you MUST give me your address so I can send you one!

  2. Michelle

    Yo – you are NOT kidding about the Tiger Balm, sister! That stuff is MAGIC in a super cute little jar! I could not sleep at night if I thought I didn’t have some Tiger Balm in the house (or was on the verge of running out) – I would straight up have to run to the nearest store and snatch some up, just to alleviate my anxiety and be able to get some rest.
    Michelle recently posted…Spitting Cobrabut with some creamerMy Profile

  3. TechnoBabe

    We buy Tiger Balm in bulk. I have used it for many years. The first time I walked into a Relax Your Back store in San Diego to buy an office chair I could hardly stand up from the pain in my back. The sales gal handed me a jar of Tiger Balm and sent me to the restroom to rub it into the sore place on my lower back. I bought my awesome chair and left the store to go to the pharmacy to purchase my first Tiger Balm. The way people used to push Vicks when I was young is the way Tiger Balm is today. Only Tiger Balm is better.
    TechnoBabe recently posted…Pleasant SurpriseMy Profile

  4. Renee Fisher

    Someone gave me Tiger Balm about 40 years ago. Now, The Cure is some Turkish balm Now Husband Dan introduced me to that his mom swore by. I think there is a little man somewhere producing this stuff and changing the countries or origen. Let’s talk more about the things Japanese folks come up with. I’ve seen some wild things.
    Renee Fisher recently posted…8 months 176 bologna and cheese sandwichesMy Profile

    1. Absence Alternatives Post author

      I wonder what ANIMAL is used on the packaging for the Turkish version?

      You are going to be sorry that you asked! Chindogu is more like a school of thought, a hobby, an art, a philosophy, a TV show, a book and an obsession (for some) in Japan. If you google image for “Chindogu” you will lots, and amazingly, none of them of Hot Ladies of any kind. But here is a list of 10 that will make you laugh:

      1. Renee Fisher

        I love them all. I had seen the vending machine one before. Methinks looking like a sanitary napkin vending machine would have protected them more than looking like a soft drink vending machine. The Turkish balm is called elmaya (or something like that). I don’t know if an animal is associated with it. According to my departed mother-in-law, it cures EVERYTHING (except Chindogu).
        Renee Fisher recently posted…8 months 176 bologna and cheese sandwichesMy Profile

  5. Lies

    I love The Cure! And this song particularly…

    And I will keep your advise in mind, should I ever wanna touch my… junk? after applying tiger balm. But just in case it would accidentally happen, I’m starting a search for better-sounding euphemisms for my … junk. My … junk deserves better. I think. 😀
    Lies recently posted…Paranaue- paranaue- paranaMy Profile

    1. Absence Alternatives Post author

      Dearest Lies, I am so sorry for what I am doing to you!!!!! You know how people outside of the US complain about the anti-intellectualism and the deliberate debasement of culture in this country? I feel so guilty for how I am “polluting” your mind! LOL.

      That being said, how about Hooha? Coochie? Vajayjay (was used in a magazine displayed at my grocery store so I figure this word is now acceptable in polite company!!!!)? For your inspiration:

      Again, I am so sorry. Please tell your girlfriend that she can punch me in the junk if we meet one day. 😉

      p.s. “Real” Americans, do women have junks? Or rather, does “junk” also refer to our lady bits?

    1. Absence Alternatives Post author

      According to a “friend”, the sensation of Tiger Balm on your ass crack is not particularly pleasant. May even feel a bit like rubbing red hot chili on it. Also according to a “friend”…


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