This just in: Bin Laden is dead!

That is, OSAMA Bin Laden is dead. In case you are confused, like this Fox Network station.

You are welcome.


Source: twitpic @KyleHudgins


It seems that this is one of the criteria to be working at a Fox News network station… Worse than the mistake above that could have been a simple, innocent, typo, the video below shows a slip that really makes you go, “Huh. I wonder how long he’s been practicing saying that?”


66 thoughts on “This just in: Bin Laden is dead!

    1. Absence Alternatives Post author

      However there has got to be right and wrong in some of these things. Not everything is relative.

      Academically, I grew up with relativism and have benefited from the move away from hegemonic views. However lately the mainstream society’s coopting of “relativism” is really bugging me. Oftentimes it is used by apologists to find excuses or “alternative” explanations for events that were clearly immoral.

      According to my 8 yo, his teacher mentioned something about “different perspectives” when speaking of Hitler. I am not sure what was said. But I flew into a rage upon hearing that one sentence. Sure, his families and friends may have thought him to be a swell guy (I’m just making this up for argument’s sake), clearly what he has done is WRONG. There should not have been any arguments over that. I wanted to run to the school and confront the teacher and tell him “You can take your relative perspectives and shove them up your ass” but I calmed down and just told my son what I wrote here, sans the ass part of course.

  1. chickens consigliere

    I got up early yesterday morning and my husband, who was still in bed, said “The got Osama!”. My mind was fuzzy. He is usually snoring. Did not compute. I said, “What?” He said, “The Military, they shot Osama, they got him, he’s dead”. I shook my head. I still didn’t understand. “What the hell are you talking about?”.

    “The military has his body. They killed Osama”
    “BigB that makes no fucking sense. Are you talking in your sleep?”
    “OSAMA. OSAMA BIN LADEN IS DEAD (you moron)”
    “oooohhhhhhh, Osama…..”

    And this is why you shouldn’t talk to me before I’ve had coffee.
    Apparently I’m not the only one, though, so there’s that.
    chickens consigliere recently posted…Dont try this at home- KidsMy Profile

    1. Absence Alternatives Post author

      Can you just imagine that some people might have really thought that POTUS was dead for some brief moments? I bet some of them opened up Champagnes by mistakes. I read somewhere that he’s the president with most death threats ever. Hmmm. Racism is dead? We can only hope but let’s not lie to ourselves.

  2. dufmanno

    That Fox newscaster dude……
    Years ago, before he got the anchor job was a human interest reporter for our local Fox and he caught me in front of the Uptown Theatre on Connecticut Avenue when i was nine months pregnant with my second and pushing my firstborn around in a stroller.
    He asked me how I felt about fresh fish and the safety of our food since several DC residents had recently been sickened by bad trout at a restaurant.
    It was hot and I was annoyed so I snapped at him that OBVIOUSLY the quality of my fish was important since I didn’t feel like dying from food poisoning.
    I made the five o’clock news.
    dufmanno recently posted…Blue Jays Are Fucking InsaneMy Profile

  3. jotter girl

    Hearing that president Obama is dead is clearly not something I should have giggled over…..but – I did. Let me clarify that I like Obama and was giggling over the mess up by the newscaster so don’t any of you comment readers hate on me. Will Osama be running for a second terms?
    jotter girl recently posted…30 Second Story……Sailor BillyMy Profile

  4. alonewithcats

    I work for a big city newspaper. And I can tell you, as we were ripping up the book last night into the wee small hours to get in this breaking story, the one thing we were most worried about was having a giant-ass headline that said “OBAMA IS DEAD.”

    (I’m not defending Fox. I’m sure those jerks totally meant to do it.)
    alonewithcats recently posted…Qi- baby- ain’t I good to youMy Profile

  5. GamerDarling

    That whole conspiracy theory is the reason I braced myself when I heard about the whole “burial at sea” thing. Of course, those theories will come from the same people that maintained he was “probably already dead” during the Bush administration. Remember all the theories about how the videos that he was showing were really taped way in advance and he’d been dead for months?
    GamerDarling recently posted…I’m not always the funny one…My Profile

  6. Beka

    Too funny! Actually, we turned to Fox News (once we could find it) to see what their troll spin on the news would be, and–at least last night–they hadn’t been able to come up with an anti-Obama angle on it yet. They were showing the hordes in Time Square with close-ups of Muslim-Americans celebrating along with the rest of the diverse crowd. I was a bit surprised, but I am sure that the vitriol is coming. I have already seen the conspiracy theorists among my facebook friends positing that the whole thing is a hoax since there is no body. Sigh…
    Beka recently posted…Spring Is Springing Up EverywhereMy Profile

    1. Absence Alternatives Post author

      The problem is once people have in their minds that this is a giant conspiracy no evidence is going to convince them otherwise. DNA testing? Well, the POTUS can always pay the doctor off no?! *sigh*

        1. Absence Alternatives Post author

          Thank you so much for the article. “We can reject relativism and still embrace nuance.” Still, if I am completely 100% with myself, I do believe there are “bad guys.” Child molesters for example. Most of them are victims themselves but it is difficult for me to see it 100% objectively I guess…

          1. Beka

            I don’t think we can ever (nor would I honestly want to be) objective about certain things. I thought it was quite an interesting article, but I do believe that some people are irredeemably evil, however they came to be that way. When I was 16, a 12 year old family friend was kidnapped by a pedophile and had every unimaginable thing done to him before he was murdered. I didn’t hold a party, but I definitely felt relieved when his murderer was eventually executed. Objective? Not at all.
            Beka recently posted…Spring Is Springing Up EverywhereMy Profile

  7. Mary Lee

    Oh please, can’t we pull their FCC licenses for reckless stupidity?

    Heard that Trump is demanding to see Bin Laden’s death certificate.
    Mary Lee recently posted…Road KillMy Profile


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