Head in the Clouds

I really should go to bed right now. I haven’t slept since I got up at 6:30 am yesterday.

Long story short: On Monday, I found out that the meeting where I would be presenting a Power Point slide deck based on the big giant Excel file that I have been living with has been pushed up to as soon as I land and get into the office. The problem with that is I am one of the worst procrastinators. Actually. No. I prefer to think of myself as a Deadliner aka one who is highly motivated and miraculously inspired when the deadline is right in sight. I’d spend the majority of the time before the deadline ruminating, musing, plotting, strategizing and agonizing over the task. Then when there is no more escaping it, BOOM! I sit down and complete the task with a lot of unnecessary stress.

[Insert clock-ticking sound effect from 24]

And yes, I memorized the times so I could later blog about it! There’s no shame in that…

4:22 am. Finally finished my presentation. OH SHIT FUCK HELL I AM GOING TO DIE!

4:30 am. Shower. Done. Wow I’m Speedy Gonzales.

4:45 am. Still figuring out what not to wear. Priorities, people. They are what keep us straight!

4:58 am. Left the house. SHIT FUCK HELL I AM GOING TO MISS THE FLIGHT! I am so tired but I am not tired. I am so jacked up. It feels so weird to drive the car in this state of utter exhaustion. The car seems to be moving on its own without me exerting too much pressure on the paddle. I keep on looking at the new moon that’s beckoning ahead of me, grasping at the wheel afraid that I may let go or make any sudden movement.

5:06 am. There is only one lane open on the highway. The traffic is completely backed up. Red brake lights as far as my eyes can see. OH SHIT FUCK WHAT THE HELL! Why is there a traffic jam at 5 in the morning?! I quickly swerve off the exit ramp and take the alternate local route. In the dark. When I can barely focus. And why are the roads all of a sudden so curvy? And what happened to the street lights?!

5:22 am. Much to my surprise, I arrive at the airport parking garage in one piece. Now let’s hope that the airport is empty and the security line is not too long.

SCORE! Breeze through security checkpoint. Thank you Tuesday morning!

5:31 am. Arrive at gate. And they have not started boarding yet. I WON! I am so awesome! I’m woman. Hear me roar! Doing the victory dance inside my head. These people have no idea what a feat I have just pulled. Oh god, I want to climb onto the chair and announce to the world all the crazy shit stunts I have just pulled to be able to catch this flight. They have NO FUCKING IDEA what a victory it is that I am sitting here right now at this gate!

But I need to tell somebody! Otherwise this memory, this moment of my glory, too, shall pass. It will not be wise to call and wake up husband in order to tell him that I have made it despite my procrastination.

Note to self: Need to blog about this so as to gloat in self’s awesomeness.

I lost all consciousness as soon as they forced us to turn off our phones and took a power nap. Naturally I looked (more) like crap when I got off the plane. Don’t believe me?


My eyes were bloodshot. The shadows underneath were not from poor lighting. I looked like a friggin’ druggie alcoholic vampire! What was worse was that my hair was completely limp and I was wearing a black dress shirt so I looked like…


Fortunately the presentation went well despite my lack of inner monologue – the fatigue feels like drunkenness. Several times I told my bosses, “Did I just say that out loud? Sorry.” I either succeeded in glamouring them with my vampire eyes or he was in awe of my being a dead ringer to an evil wizard.


I am dead tired but I don’t feel tired. I am running on pure adrenaline now. I am jacked up like Beavis and Butthead on their famous sugar high.

I am the great Cornholio!

I am having an out-of-body experience. It feels as if the speed of the film that is my existence is out of sync with everybody else’s. I am moving around in slow motion while the world whizzes by and nobody knows the better. It feels like I am swimming in the clouds I saw this morning from the plane.


What do you know. Come to think of it: I actually travelled through the clouds…

I am walking in the clouds now.



Postscript: OMG. One of my colleagues just startled me by throwing a big exercise ball at me. (Exercise balls are one of the options for “seating” in my company and therefore they are everywhere in the office). I did not realize until tonight that they make an adorable Boing Boing sound when you bounce them.

“You sure we are the only two people left now?”

“You sure there are no surveillance cameras?’

I ended up dribbling the big giant pink ball down the corridors of the empty office building and to my colleague’s surprise (and I hope, admiration) dribbling it under my knees.

So it has been confirmed: I am drunk. Drunk from too much adrenalin.

48 thoughts on “Head in the Clouds

  1. Average Girl

    Kudos to you on rocking it in a zombie-like state! My Deadliner personality has afforded me many nights like this…it IS a druggy/drugged-up type of feeling. I think rehab may be in order.

  2. Naptimewriting

    I really hate that feeling, where you wonder if maybe, maybe someone laced your food/beverage with a drug your body’s never had before. That nausea/exhiliration/speed feeling of sleeploss and adrenaline? Crazy.

    Congrats on making it. And blogging it. And on being Cornholio. Most of the time I am the bunghole, not the victorious Cornholio.
    Naptimewriting recently posted…Open Letter to the Friend Who QuitMy Profile

    1. Absence Alternatives Post author

      Thanks. I heard this on This American’s Life today: It takes self-denial to be a comedian: I went the stage and bombed, but I told myself that I made it out ok. (paraphrasing of course…)

      I think the difference of Cornholio and bunghole is self-denial also. 😉

  3. Wicked Shawn

    When I have been drinking, since I am virtually always the moron who wears high heels, even though she knows she will be drinking(why the hell am I talking about myself in second person here??) I always feel as if I am walking on clouds, probably because I really am several inches off of the ground.

    I am famous for not sleeping. The euphoria it produces often enhances my creative juices.
    Wicked Shawn recently posted…My Reasons For Taking Over As Mother NatureMy Profile

    1. Absence Alternatives Post author

      Does “Having your head in the clouds” have a special meaning that I didn’t know? Like “You can say that again” and “Tell me about it” I was quite confused by these two when I first came here…

      For a saying with “HEAD” in anything… I am pretty sure we can somehow make it mean SOMETHING. *wink wink*

  4. Andrea

    There is NO WAY I could pull an all-nighter anymore, especially for work. You are truly amazing! Shoot, most of the time I’ve had plenty of sleep, and I still look bloodshot and Snapey.

  5. Dufmanno

    I neglected to throw up the bat signal as I had a sneaking suspicion you would be up to your bloodshot eyeballs in travel & work.
    You are my sleepless hero.
    I start acting inapproprite with bouts of drooling & hallucinating when I don’t get enough hours of slumber. I act that way when I’m drunk too so I guess those are just character flaws.
    Welcome home and GO TO BED!

  6. vanilla north

    first of all: congratulations.
    second: I am reading this at 9 am in the morning and I want to change my coffee for a double bourbon shot… Woman you stressed me out just reading this! he he

    BTW, the whole vampire-red-eye shit is in glamour right now, so you probably enamored everybody with your tiredness!!!
    vanilla north recently posted…first and foremost- a MOTHERMy Profile

  7. Jack

    I am deadline guy too. I try not to wait until the last minute to do things but every now and then it can’t be helped. But I have to admit that I kind of like that feeling- there is a bit of a buzz that comes from knowing that I beat the clock…again.

  8. iamqueer

    Deadliner. Nice. There is something epic about pressure-i see it now as a giant sticky marshmallow inching closer. And just before it touches you, and surely swallows you up in its sugary magma, you whip out the blow torch and say ‘yea, take that take that’; making the best damn roasted marshmallow ever! wow i think i am also at state of exhaustion.
    iamqueer recently posted…Opportunity KnocksMy Profile


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