Quote Fingers vs. Jazz Hands

I am never taken seriously on the hardcore race/social justice discussion website Racialicious. But it is ok. I still visit often and once in a while cannot help but put in my $0.02 worth and continue to be ignored by the other commenters that are a lot more serious than I am… Because…

Unknown Mami

Oh yeah.

For the very serious discussion: “POLITICAL CORRECTNESS” IS A REACTIONARY TERM AGAINST THE LOSS OF PRIVILEGE I decided to lighten up the scene by interjecting (injecting) some humor in it:

I see the term “politically correct” or “politically incorrect” as the new “I am sorry but no offense” or the new “with all due respect”. It is mostly used with “quotation marks” and often accompanied by “wink wink”. I think from now on when somebody uses the term in the “quotation mark” way, we should combat it with Jazz Hands…

I thought that was a brilliant idea. No?

Dr. Evil - Abuser of Quotation Marks

Dr. Evil - Abuser of Quote Fingers


Possibly the most macho Jazz Hands you'll ever see

Possibly the most macho Jazz Hands you'll ever see

Seriously. I cannot be 100% serious at all times.

26 thoughts on “Quote Fingers vs. Jazz Hands

  1. Absence Alternatives Post author

    Jessica, Mami, and Nancy, thank you very much for the vote of confidence. There is a reason why I am so addicted to the Interweb. I am getting all my ego boost here that is sorely lacking in real life… 😉

  2. peedee

    I’m so going to use Jazz hands in my next meeting at work. They take that work thing wayyyy to seriously. =0
    .-= peedee´s last blog…The Boys, The Mall & Santa Claus =-.

    1. Absence Alternatives Post author

      Dear Mami, we share the love for Milan Kundera AND flan. What more can I say? I love your I Comment Therefore I Am feature. (Well, duh. LOL) Since I can’t stalk you in the cyber space, I appreciate being able to read the choice comments that you left all over the Interweb. 🙂

  3. Falling


    Where do you stand on the “point finger like gun and click your tongue in a ‘you got it’ kind of way” issue?

    Oh. I guess that should read point finger like gun and click your tongue in a ‘you got it’ kind of way issue?
    .-= Falling´s last blog… =-.

    1. Absence Alternatives Post author

      😉 Smartie.

      I am fine as long as you are George Clooney and you are starring in an animated film directed by Wes Anderson.

    1. Absence Alternatives Post author

      I need to copy that one. You are like my supplier of new words and phrases. So far I also have Shartle. And I just discovered Toe-gina. Seriously, girl. Let me know when Oxford Dictionary called.

  4. mepsipax

    That is fucking genius. I use the quotes fingers (ewww that sounds dirty sorry the last blogger mentioned rape. You know what you don’t really need to know.) and shall switch to jazz hands. Hilarity will ensue. Ensue…
    .-= mepsipax´s last blog…Feckin hell =-.

    1. Absence Alternatives Post author

      I can’t picture you with Jazz hands. Well, I can’t picture you. Period. Hmm. How about I picture you looking like James Dean doing Jazz Hands? I think that would be kind of funny, esp. if he does it while he’s on his motorcycle…


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