Happy Birthday, United States of America!

What better way to celebrate Independence Day by watching this clip from Independence Day again?


We are going to live on. We are going to survive.

Today, we celebrate our Independence Day!




What better way than to read The Declaration of Independence again? Really carefully this time.

What better way to celebrate July 4th by reading this again?



Or to imagine what Ben Franklin’s Facebook page would have been like?

Befriending a Founding Father



Or to participate in your hometown Fourth of July parade?



Unknown Mami

24 thoughts on “Happy Birthday, United States of America!

  1. Miss B

    Personally, I drank absurd amounts of Pimm’s cups (though somehow never reached any level of drunkenness, but just ended with a dull headache by the end of the night), almost had extremely impulsive sex with a casual acquaintance I’ve known for years, and reconnected with a man I was very briefly and very mildly involved with a couple of years ago, whom I had not seen or spoken to since. And the night ended with somewhat inappropriate kisses goodbye from both of them. *ahem* Not really a fan of the 4th, in general, but…it was a pretty good day, all things considered.
    Miss B recently posted…A Tattoo Of A DaisyMy Profile

    1. Absence Alternatives Post author

      Dear, THAT’s the best kind of July 4th I could have only dreamed of, and now definitely could only live thru vicariously. 😉

      p.s. You no longer have comment on your blog. May I tell you that this latest post? It’s lovely. The part that made me blush, I actually felt kind of guilty, as if I were peeking through the blinds… But my favorite part was your description of the women at the bar. You have a way with describing things that makes me envious. xxoo

    1. Absence Alternatives Post author

      Thank you so much! We are sitting here waiting for the fireworks to start. July 4th really is my favorite holiday here because of the communal spirits exhibited in “small town America”! Happy Independence Day!


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