How to Talk to People (Now with Visual Aids)

7 magical conversational phrases

I came across this article the other day on (Eh. Don’t ask WHY I was on… That hot sexy blonde whose picture is winking at ya? Yup. That’s my profile: I used a picture I took of A Vapid Blonde… Now you know. People LIE about these things…)

It immediately caught my attention. I sure could use some help in social situations, and these are promised to be “magical”!

Smart phrase #1: “Tell me more about it”

Smart phrase #2: “What are the reasons for your opinion?”

Smart phrase #3: “I never thought of it that way”

Smart phrase #4: “That must have upset you”

Smart phrase #5: “How did it go?”

Smart phrase #6: “You are a really generous person”

Smart phrase #7: “I really admire that” or “That takes courage. I admire that.”


As I read through the article, without much snickering, I became worried about the possibility that when the needs arise, I may not remember these 7 magical spells under duress. I remembered the days when I was trying to educate my kids the art of correctly using the alphabet: Yes. Flash cards work wonders, and visualization is the key to the mythical depth of human memory vault.

Here are the 7 visualizations to help me, and now you too, memorize these 7 magical conversational phrases and be the life of the party next time you are caught in one of those social occasions.

You are welcome.


Magical Phrase #1: Tell me more about it!


Magical Phrase #2: What are the reasons for your opinion?


Magical Phrase #3: I never thought of it that way


Magical Phrase #4: That must have upset you!


Magical Phrase #5: How did it go?


Magical Phrase #6: You are a really generous person


Magical Phrase #7: I really admire that. I do!

40 thoughts on “How to Talk to People (Now with Visual Aids)

  1. Nance

    Add this to the list: You could be right.

    That one works, I kid you not. Might be more useful for older folks who blog and don’t use comment screening, who have SILs and DILs, and who are unaccountably magnets for every dipstick out there who likes to start conversations in the grocery line. It has gotten me out of gallons of hot water over the years. In fact, it is the only phrase I’ve ever bothered to memorize. When accompanied by full eye-roll, it conveys so much. When delivered straight up, not even a tea bagger could argue with it.
    Nance recently posted…Paranoia In The PUMy Profile

  2. Keia

    Unfortunately, I don’t think I will remember these “magical” phrases only the impressions the visualizations left me…

    So what happens when I’m just left staring because of that? :-)…still a social disgrace huh?
    Keia recently posted…Hello- is anybody homeMy Profile

  3. dufmanno

    Wait, those are the same phrases my shrink has been using for ten years over and over again.
    Now I wonder if she’s even licensed.
    Anyway, whenever anyone shows me a picture of Jesus watching me I immediately feel guilty even if I haven’t done anything.
    dufmanno recently posted…CockroachMy Profile

  4. Wicked Shawn

    OHEMGEE!!! Are you kidding me?? If I was trying to have a conversation with someone and they started dropping those lines, I honestly think I would have to call them on it. What the hell is trying to do to people? Pattypunker and I clearly need to write a book on socializing.
    Wicked Shawn recently posted…You’re Freak-tastic!My Profile

  5. Technobabe

    Interesting world we live in, isn’t it, that a fairly young couple would go the store to shop and the man is dressed half assed (get it?). Thank God I am not in charge of that store and I wouldn’t be caught in the aisle next to the cheeky (get it?) guy. I probably would not be able to keep a straight face. Nuh uh.
    Technobabe recently posted…New PotteryMy Profile

      1. Technobabe

        I was thinking that the man might be wearing his wife’s clothing. She may be in the store with him to protect him from assault, verbal and physical, by the other customers. But, hey, it Wal Mart, so he should be right at home. Ha. Oh what am I saying, I shop at Wal Mart.
        Technobabe recently posted…New PotteryMy Profile

  6. Miss B

    Oh, well, my _books_ can be taken off. Which ones did you want to borrow? (Though how you’re planning to balance them on your hips is a mystery to me. I probably need to read a How-to guide to fill me in on that maneuver…)
    Miss B recently posted…The Way Things TasteMy Profile

  7. Miss B

    I was recently in bed with someone, and the topic of my boobs came up (primarily because I had just taken off my shirt, and it’s hard to not talk about them under those circumstances) and I said something about them getting in the way, and occasionally wishing I could just unscrew them and take them off for awhile. And he said, in this perfectly deadpan kind of way, “Yes, I do not think I have ever been in the presence of any _quite_ so large before.” I think I might have stopped laughing about ten minutes later. But now I really wish I had responded with something like “That takes courage; I really admire that!”

    What I’m mostly curious about, though, is this — are all users complete morons? Because those “helpful” hints…really? They seem useful only for the kinds of people who have maybe never actually interacted with another human being, ever.

    (I just know you’re going to send me a follow-up email asking, so — 38F/G, depending on the bra. So, not like, circus-freakish. But still.)
    Miss B recently posted…The Way Things TasteMy Profile

    1. Absence Alternatives Post author

      There are all sorts of instructions out there. I found a very sincere article on “How to be generous”. For adults, mind you, NOT to teach kids how to share. But for grown-ups.

      I wish your books could be taken off also because then I could borrow them. I am pretty sure I have the hip necessary to balance them. 😉 (Ducking since I am seeing a shoe coming at me!)


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